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1 Daniel Ballard  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 2:41:05pm

Ridiculous! It seems the only time the government fails to regulate is when it's paid to. Wait a minute... Follow the formula money. Might just be the same old lobbying story.

2 b_Snark  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 2:58:52pm

re: #1 Daniel Ballard

Ridiculous! It seems the only time the government fails to regulate is when it's paid to. Wait a minute... Follow the formula money. Might just be the same old lobbying story.

They're removing access to formula, not encouraging it. It's also a voluntary program.

ggt, in your case they likely would have specified formula because of health reasons. This isn't a blanket ban of formula.

Once you get home formula is available just about everywhere.

My daughter had a hell of a time getting little William to latch on and she found it very painful so we went out and bought a pile of formula for her. After some tough days and nights, and a stubborn attitude, William started to breastfeed and won't take anything else now. My daughter's pain is gone.

3 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 3:19:45pm

re: #2 b_sharp

They're removing access to formula, not encouraging it. It's also a voluntary program.

ggt, in your case they likely would have specified formula because of health reasons. This isn't a blanket ban of formula.

Once you get home formula is available just about everywhere.

My daughter had a hell of a time getting little William to latch on and she found it very painful so we went out and bought a pile of formula for her. After some tough days and nights, and a stubborn attitude, William started to breastfeed and won't take anything else now. My daughter's pain is gone.

It's great it worked out for your daughter. Being on the other side, I didn't need the "guilt" trip everytime a nurse walked in the room. I also didn't need the guilt trip from the doctor and various strangers who would give their opinion. Nurses didn't want to give me the script the doctor wrote to prevent me from lactating (it was still on the market then), telling me over and over it was better to use ice packs. REALLY, it is better to feel the pain? I had to yell and scream to get the script. Literally.

4 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 5:31:42pm

I had some difficulty, and went to a lactation consultant. I paid $50, and it was the best money ever spent. $50 for never having to spend any money on bottles or formula is a terrific return.

Women should be given as much encouragement as possible, but not guilt if it won't work out. It is true that breast milk is a far superior food for babies, but not if there isn't enough for them.

17 years ago, when The Princess was born, they actually sent samples home with you. She was the last one they did that with.

5 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 7:53:14pm

Good page, but this isn't 'War on Woman', it's the Nanny State, which is something Michael Bloomberg specializes in. He's very smart and has decided that he knows what is best for New Yorkers. Thus he intends to use city policies wherever possible to get people to live as he wishes them to. his is not the folly of the right, it is the folly of the left and it is important to recognize it.

Just because Glenn Beck rails against the Nanny State and overblows its threat, does not mean it does not exist and does not pose some threat. This story is the whole point for limited government; letting people make their own decisions.

6 Amory Blaine  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 8:02:26pm

They used to put coke in my bottle :p

Image: drink_cola.jpg

7 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 8:05:15pm

I don't see the problem here, it isn't a ban on formula during the what, three days, or generally less that a mother spends in the hospital after giving birth?

It is restricting the advertising of and giveaway of free sample supplies of infant formula within the hospital. Do you want the hospital working for you or do you want them to be caught up in a conflict of interest by receiving free goods and services and paid advertising by formula makers?

No where here do I see any restriction that prevents the baby from receiving formula if that is determined to be medically indicated due to a mothers legitimate inability to breastfeed for whatever reason, or whatsoever that reason might be.

Besides, in the vast majority of births the mother and child will be released from the hospital within a couple of days and then the mother will be perfectly free to choose whether or not to breast feed or use formula anyway.

To me this legislation seems aimed more at restricting possibly coercive advertisement aimed at a captive audience than it is about restricting a womans rights.

8 Flavia  Sun, Jul 29, 2012 10:29:10pm

re: #3 ggt

It's great it worked out for your daughter. Being on the other side, I didn't need the "guilt" trip everytime a nurse walked in the room. I also didn't need the guilt trip from the doctor and various strangers who would give their opinion. Nurses didn't want to give me the script the doctor wrote to prevent me from lactating (it was still on the market then), telling me over and over it was better to use ice packs. REALLY, it is better to feel the pain? I had to yell and scream to get the script. Literally.

I nursed both of my children. I only say this to set the stage.

No, NO ONE should have guilt tripped you! But, by the same token, the formula companies have a captive audience, & they exploit it. I suspect this is all an over-reaction to that.

AND, when I finally decided to stop nursing, I was told that the prescription could cause strokes, & they wouldn't give it to me. I won't describe the agony & shenanigans I went through for about a week (to be fair, I had about two years of nursing ingrained in there; I should have expected some problems when I had to stop cold turkey (a whole story in & of itself!)) - & no amount of screaming & yelling did a darned thing. Glad to see that you didn't have a stroke!

9 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jul 30, 2012 12:47:53am

re: #8 Flavia

I nursed both of my children. I only say this to set the stage.

No, NO ONE should have guilt tripped you! But, by the same token, the formula companies have a captive audience, & they exploit it. I suspect this is all an over-reaction to that.

AND, when I finally decided to stop nursing, I was told that the prescription could cause strokes, & they wouldn't give it to me. I won't describe the agony & shenanigans I went through for about a week (to be fair, I had about two years of nursing ingrained in there; I should have expected some problems when I had to stop cold turkey (a whole story in & of itself!)) - & no amount of screaming & yelling did a darned thing. Glad to see that you didn't have a stroke!

Oh, when the drug was forced off the market it was because it could cause a heart attack later in life --or some such bullshit. Literally, it had nothing to do with women's health. It was political, IIRC.

At the time my son was born, we were also pressured into suffering thru childbirth without drugs. For some reason, the drugs could in some few instances affect the baby.

Nanny state my ass. If you aren't the women making the politically incorrect decision, you have NO idea the forces you go up against.

10 b_Snark  Mon, Jul 30, 2012 9:58:55am

re: #3 ggt

It's great it worked out for your daughter. Being on the other side, I didn't need the "guilt" trip everytime a nurse walked in the room. I also didn't need the guilt trip from the doctor and various strangers who would give their opinion. Nurses didn't want to give me the script the doctor wrote to prevent me from lactating (it was still on the market then), telling me over and over it was better to use ice packs. REALLY, it is better to feel the pain? I had to yell and scream to get the script. Literally.

The guilt trip is smarmy bull shit. Their job is to give you information and facilitate your wishes within the limits of their job, not to pass judgment on you.

11 Sionainn  Mon, Jul 30, 2012 10:13:32am

re: #10 b_sharp

The guilt trip is smarmy bull shit. Their job is to give you information and facilitate your wishes within the limits of their job, not to pass judgment on you.

To be fair, some professionals do try to guilt trip you. After six weeks of breastfeeding and being in such severe pain due to a poor latch (that the lactation consultants claimed was just fine), I told the lactation consultant that I was going to pump. She tried to make me feel bad about my decision, but I figured the most important thing was that my baby was getting breast milk and that the method of delivery didn't matter a bit. But, yes, that consultant was a bitch who worked very hard to make me feel guilty about my choice. Good thing that I don't *guilt* very easily.

12 Gretchen G.Tiger  Mon, Jul 30, 2012 10:19:20am

re: #10 b_sharp

The guilt trip is smarmy bull shit. Their job is to give you information and facilitate your wishes within the limits of their job, not to pass judgment on you.

They get snooty because somewhere there is a list with their name on it and a check-mark that says they failed to get one patient (me) to conform. They are rated on this stuff.

Our "baby birthing class" nurse told us that they were supposed to "encourage" natural childbirth because the numbers showed that their hospital had a larger than average percentage of epidurals.

Now, tell me that is putting the patient first?

13 garhighway  Mon, Jul 30, 2012 10:40:06am

re: #5 Dark_Falcon

Absolutely. Smoking warnings? Nanny state. CAFE standards? Nanny state. Gun control? Nanny state.

If it was good enough for the founders...

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